In addition to our core fleet, we have strong relationships with various local and international shipowners and brokers to provide a wide range of vessel options, including but not limited to Offshore Supply (OSV), Platform Supply (PSV), Anchor Handling (AHT/AHTS), Multipurpose Subsea Support (Dive Support; Construction), Seismic (SRV) and Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV).
- Seismic support
- Drilling support
- Transporting personnel and supplies
- Platform facility support
- Transportation of personnel and supplies
- Infrastructure maintenance
- Additional accommodation and crane capacity
- Subsea installation, maintenance and repair
- Drilling support duties
- Towing, positioning, mooring rigs and production systems
- Transportation of personnel and supplies
- Installation of infrastructures
- Subsea installations, maintenance and repair
- Construction support duties
- Demobilisation of infrastructures and platforms
- Transportation of personnel and supplies
- Subsea installation, maintenance and repair